
The Logical Perspectives event series aims at bringing together distinguished logicians to present their perspectives on the future of the field, to discuss related open problems, and to foster new collaborations. The topics include, but are not limited to:

  • logical methods in mathematics;
  • logical methods in computer science;
  • logical methods in philosophy;
  • logical methods in linguistics.
This year there will be an online event on November 15, 2022, which will include two open lectures.

Schedule (UTC+3 Moscow)

Thursday, December 15

16:00–17:10 Johann A. Makowsky:   Model theory in computer science: My own recurrent themes   [abstract]
17:10–17:30 Discussion
17:30–18:00 Break
18:00–19:10 Boris Zilber:   On the unreasonable effectiveness of logic   [abstract]
19:10–19:30 Discussion


If you wish to participate in the event, please fill in the Registration Form.



The event is supported by Steklov International Mathematical Center.